Saturday, April 18, 2009

Goals to shoot for

April 18, 2009
New Goal to shoot for.

I have been thinking its time to “kick it up into high gear”. SO this is the plan

Long term goal: Have plastics in November
In order to make that happen, I want to lose 50 more pounds.
In order to make that possible I have to lose roughly 7 lbs a week.
In order for t hat to happen I have to,
1. Increase my intensity of each workout, and
2. Make great food choices, ie, NO SUGAR!!!
If I follow those two small short term goals, I should reach my goal of 49 lbs by Oct. 15th.
I really think this is an obtainable goal, and have every intention on meeting these goals.

The new session of Water classes start Monday, and I am teaching 4 days a week straight, Monday-Thursday. That means I could add weight training on Fridays and maybe walk with my husband on Saturday. I want to think, that this is a realistic goal. I am worried I will be tired not having a break in-between my work out days like I have had, but I am keeping the long term goal in my mind,,(plastics)

1 comment:

  1. I love both of your sites!! This one is cool because I struggle with a lot of the same issues so it is nice to know I am not alone and maybe get an idea.

    Kirk has lost 25 lbs and I have lost 10 lbs. I thougth there was something wrong with me but it is just the effects of being morbidly obese.

    Thanks for putting it out there!
